Credit Repurchase

The loan stories that deserves to be followed

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Indebtedness of Swiss consumers

Indebtedness of Swiss consumers

Approximately 40 % of Swiss consumers are indebted. What are the causes of indebtedness in Switzerland? And how to way out of debts?

Credit cards : how to optimize your budget ?

Credit cards : how to optimize your budget ?

Your wallet is full of credit cards and makes your finances uncomfortable ? Let’s discover our tips to optimize your budget and refind a healthy economic situation !

Le regroupement de crédits: comment économiser de l'argent sur son crédit. MultiCredit finance vos projets dans toute la suisse.

Credit repayment: how to save money on your loan?

Many people make personal loans in Switzerland (more than 400’000 contracts in 2014), but credit repurchase is a less common financial solution. However, borrowers could benefit a lot more from this convenient and advantageous alternative. What is debt consolidation and how much can you save thanks to this solution? Let’s have a closer look:

Courtier à Genève - Comment choisir au mieux? MultiCredit finance vos projets dans oute la suisse.

Broker in Geneva – How to choose best?

Are you looking for a broker in Geneva? Finance, insurance, foresight…whom to contact?

Do you live in Geneva and you need an experienced broker to advise you? Whether you want to get a credit, a mortgage, an insurance or a foresight plan, finding the best advisor is not always easy.

Is it possible to request a credit under prosecutions ?

People having financial problems often turn to a personal credit. This one allows in ”theory” to repay the more urgently claims. But is it possible to request a credit while having prosecutions? What are the other alternatives in case of debts? We are proposing you some explanations.

Debt burden in Switzerland: which solution?

Which solution in case of debt burden in Switzerland? From personal credit to debt consolidation, towards which it is better to turn to? Our explanations.

Scoring and credit in Switzerland

Whatever bank you are dealing with for your loan application, this one will probably establish a scoring according to your situation. What is this scoring? What impact for your credit request? How to evaluate your scoring? Discover our full explanation.

Compound interest and credit card balance

Credit cards are very handy to pay for various purchases. The possibility to repay your balance in several months is also attractive. Hovewer, it is important to take the compound interest into consideration, and its influence on the total cost. We offer you some explanations.

Debt consolidation loan in ten questions

Need some information about a debt consolidatio loan? Learn everything you need to know about this financial solution: 10 questions, 10 answers.

Debt consolidation: how does it works?

Numerous of people who are get into debt are interested to do a debt consolidation. What is it all about? What is the approach to do? Discover our explanations.

Acheter son véhicule chez un mandataire auto. MultiCredit vous conseille dans toute la suisse.

Credit leasing: get rid of your leasing contract

You have a leasing that you wish to repurchase? In this article, we will explain you what you can do if you want to get rid of your leasing contract as well as the different possibilities to buy a car or get rid of your vehicle.

Extra credit

You already have a personal loan and you are paying for it? If you need money now, it is possible to renegotiate your loan to get an extra credit. This week we look at this funding opportunity.

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    Please fill in the form and our consultant will reach out to you as soon as possible!
