
The loan stories that deserves to be followed

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How to pay the monthly repayments of your credit in case of unemployment?

Do you have a credit and now you’re unfortunately unemployed ? Is it difficult to repay the monthly charges of your loan ? How to manage this problem?

Credit cards : over credit limit

Credit cards : over credit limit

The over credit limit is the maximum amount that you can use to pay with your credit card. When the credit limit is over, different penalty fees occur.

Financial intermediaries : online identification

Financial intermediaries : online identification

Since 18 March 2016 FINMA allows to establish a business relationship between financial intermediaries and customers by video transmission. Explanations.

Indebtedness of Swiss consumers

Indebtedness of Swiss consumers

Approximately 40 % of Swiss consumers are indebted. What are the causes of indebtedness in Switzerland? And how to way out of debts?

Bank credit : definition and advantages

Bank credit : definition and advantages

Find in this article a clear definition and explanations of bank credit. If you are well-informed, you will be able to opt for the financing solution that meets your expectations.

Crowdfunding: alternative to commercial loan

Crowdfunding: alternative to commercial loan

The crowdfunding is an alternative system to commercial loan. That allows companies which are at the start-up stage or in phase of development to obtain funds outside the banking system.

Private loan : discover what's new for 2016 !

Private loan : discover what’s new for 2016 !

Since 1st january 2016, two major changes have taken place in the field of private loan : longer extension of time before the revocation and strictly budget calculation. What are the consequences of these changes for the customers?

Credit cards : how to optimize your budget ?

Credit cards : how to optimize your budget ?

Your wallet is full of credit cards and makes your finances uncomfortable ? Let’s discover our tips to optimize your budget and refind a healthy economic situation !

Personal loan and prepayment

Personal loan and prepayment

As a personal loan holder, you may be asking “Can i pay more than the fixed monthly payment?”or “Can i partially or totally repay my loan?” Find the answers in our new article.

Is a credit card more expensive than a private credit?

Is a credit card more expensive than a private credit?

As a consumer you have the choice between a personal loan or a credit card if you need a financial help. What are the costs for a credit card in comparsion with a private loan?

Debt capacity: explanations and hints

Debt capacity: explanations and hints

When someone wants to make a loan, many parameters are taken into account. The the borrowing capacity is one of them. To learn more about this important data, check our article!.

Libertycard : the new Visa card combined with your Swiss Pass

Libertycard : the new Visa card combined with your Swiss Pass

Since 1 August 2015, the combination of a half price rail card with a free Visa card doesn’t exist anymore. The holders of the old formula automatically received their new Swiss Pass with the new LibertyCard, a new Visa card. Is this a winning combination for users?

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    Please fill in the form and our consultant will reach out to you as soon as possible!

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