Credit card

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Reduce Post-Holiday Interest: Opt for a Personal Credit to Group Your Cards

The holidays are over and now it is time to return to financial reality. If you have accumulated expenses on several credit cards during the holidays, it may be the ideal time to consider a personal credit with monthly instalments. This choice offers numerous advantages, including lower interest and simplified financial management. Why Group Your […]

Two is Better!

Optimize Your Financial Future with Joint Credit Double Income: The Key to Better Credit In today’s economic and social landscape, the need for flexible and innovative financing options has never been more crucial. Whether it’s to fund the purchase of a home or undertake significant projects, joint credit offers couples greater financial freedom and security. […]

Visa and Mastercard limit

Visa and Mastercard limit: how is it calculated?

Nowadays, nearly everyone owns one or more credit cards. However, the limits granted differ considerably from one situation to another. Do you know the key elements for determining your Mastercard or Visa limit? Our explanation.

Tax deduction and personal loan

Tax deduction and personal loan: how to proceed?

Each year, many borrowers forget to deduce interests on current loans from their tax declaration. How does this deduction work, and which document do you need? Explanation.

Increase the limit of your credit card

Increase the limit of your credit card

You own a credit card such a Visa or a Mastercard? Would you like to increase your credit card limite? Permanent or temporary increase, how to proceed? Explanation.

Mastercard - Visa: pourquoi annoncer ses vacances au prestataire ? MultiCredit finance vos projets dans toute la suisse

Mastecard – Visa: why telling the provider?

Most of Visa and mastercard providers offer customers the possibility to notify vacation. What is this procedure for and should you use it to announce holidays? Explanation.

Increase of credit card fees

Increase of credit card fees

A recent study published by points out that most of credit card providers increased fees for Visa and Mastercard. Why such an increase? What cost for consumers? Explanation.

Debt consolidation loan

What are the conditions to get a debt consolidation loan?

A debt consolidation is a solution – not always known – to group your different commitments. It allows you to pay one monthly bill instead of several, but also to lower installment payments. What are the conditions to get a debt consolidation loan? Explanation.

Credit cards : over credit limit

Credit cards : over credit limit

The over credit limit is the maximum amount that you can use to pay with your credit card. When the credit limit is over, different penalty fees occur.

Credit cards : how to optimize your budget ?

Credit cards : how to optimize your budget ?

Your wallet is full of credit cards and makes your finances uncomfortable ? Let’s discover our tips to optimize your budget and refind a healthy economic situation !

Is a credit card more expensive than a private credit?

Is a credit card more expensive than a private credit?

As a consumer you have the choice between a personal loan or a credit card if you need a financial help. What are the costs for a credit card in comparsion with a private loan?

Libertycard : the new Visa card combined with your Swiss Pass

Libertycard : the new Visa card combined with your Swiss Pass

Since 1 August 2015, the combination of a half price rail card with a free Visa card doesn’t exist anymore. The holders of the old formula automatically received their new Swiss Pass with the new LibertyCard, a new Visa card. Is this a winning combination for users?

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