Electrical cars

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Still some progress to do….

Indeed, electrical cars have some way to do before being fully accepted in our society. Even if the technology evolved, an electrical car present today still numerous of limitations:

  • The costy: usually a car with diesel motor cost 20’000 Chf. With an average cost of 30’000 Chf, on electrical car remains more expensive than a classical car. That’s why it is important to benefit from an optimal financial solution for buying it.
  • The autonomy: even if the statistics show that the majority of the distance in car are relatively shorts (in average, the distance travelled back and forth is 32 Km) the limited autonomy is of 100-150 KM electrical cars stays a deterrent element when it comes to purchase on electrical cars.
  • The refill: if refueling gasoline doesn’t take more than some minutes, the refill of an electric car can last for several hours.

Why buying an electrical cars?

Despite the limitations of this type of vehicle, an electrical car presents somehow some advantages:

  • The cost per KM is more advantageous: if everything depends on the model of course, we are estimating that a classical car has an average cost of circa 6.30 Chf by KM. In the case of an electrical car this cost is almost divided by 3 with an average estimated at 2.70 Chf per KM.

Possible insurance reduction: the electrical car owner are benefiting from an insurance reductions primes towards certain companies. Some Cantons are proposing as well some reductions on the taxes on the motor vehicles.

  • Hybrids solutions: some cars said “hybrids” are proposing both gas oil and electrical motor, gathering together the best of the two worlds. Which represents by contrasts a not negligible cost.


Futures developments

If the electrical cars market’s represents today only 2.5% of the sales (source: lepoint.fr) the constructors hope to reach 8% of the selling for 2020, by opting principaly on the hybrid. Moreover, the limitations linked to the batteries (in term of autonomy and time refill) are strongly likely to decrease with the technology evolution.

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