Cancel a credit card: how to do it?

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Too much credit card?

Some years before the only way to have a credit card (Visa/Mastercard) was to make a request towards its bank. Today, in Switzerland you have the possibilities to obtain credit cards, in numerous organisms. So much that certain person find themselves with too much credit cards to manage. If you are in this situation and wish to effectuate the approach to cancel your credit card, for one or many more, how to do it? Discover our solution in three steps.

Verify your automatic payment

The first thing to do, when you wish to cancel a credit card, is to verify if this one is not used for the automatics bill payments. Whatever is a subscription to an online service, a magazine, you have to check that he will not be adjourned for one day to next. Before you effectuate the cancellation of the credit card, think of transfer the possible automatics bill payments that you will have to another card.

1-Clear your balance

You could not effectuate the cancellation of your credit card without paying completely the balance. Ensure yourself that you have paid the last bill entirely, and doesn’t use it, once your bill will be paid. Be aware because it can happen that you use your card between the moment the bill is made and the moment where you receive the bill. Think about it before you cancel your credit card.

2-Effectuate the request of the cancellation from the credit card

In the end, you can effectuate the request to cancel the credit card towards the organism where it has been made. In order to simplify your task we are proposing to you a form of cancellation to download. Print it and complete it before you send it. That’s it!

3-Balance to high to cancel your credit card?

You have several credit cards to cancel and the balance of your cards are too important to pay it in one monthly instalment? The best option that you have is to do a credit repurchase. This financial solution consists in effectuate a personal loan who will allow you to clear off the balance of your credit cards simply. The interest rate, lower than a credit card, will allow you to save some money by doing the cancellation of your credit cards immediately. Interested to get more information? Our partner creditloan can propose to you a solution of dept consolidation it will take in charge to clear off your credit cards balance, in order to simplify your life!

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