Unfortunately, your request was rejected...

Find out how to improve this situation:

1. Your age is not appropriate (too young/too old)

Check your date of birth

You have made a mistake in your date of birth.

You are under 18 years of age.

You are over 69 years of age. Unfortunately, we will not be able to process your application.

Age is an essential criterion in credit applications. It is not our responsibility, but is governed by the applicable laws and regulations.

Your professional and/or personal status are not convenient.

You have to wait for a change in your situation.

Your net income is below CHF 2,700 per month and you are single.

You are currently unemployed.

Please call us back if your situation changes, or if you forget to enter any information that could affect your situation. If you have forgotten to indicate any additional income, please contact us to restart the process.

3. Your credit score is negative!

The financial data must be cleaned up.

You are wrongfully registered in the financial control registers: poursuites, ZEK, IKO, CRIF, etc.

You have been reported for late payment of a recurring bill (various subscriptions).

If your credit score is negative, it will be impossible for you to obtain a credit card or loan. Contact us for a financial diagnosis.

Did you know that?

If credit isn’t an option, there are other solutions. Looking to improve a difficult financial situation?

  • Payment arrangements
  • Lawsuits
  • Acknowledgement of debt
  • Past or present credit, leasing or credit card problems?

We can offer you professional help to balance your budget and get your situation back on track. Our team is at your disposal should you require any further information.

MultiCredit benefits from the many recommendations of its customers and thanks them for their support.

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For more information, consult our specialist or ask us for an offer!

T: 026 322 23 10   M: 079 936 31 75

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    Please fill in the form and our consultant will reach out to you as soon as possible!

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