A long term-credit, or a leasing is a financial solution which consist to rent a goods. Long-term means that a rent spreads on several months and sometimes several years. The borrowing goods regularly are loosing their value by taking age. So the consumer pay for the depreciation of the object, in which is added interest. The long term credit concerns essentially two types of goods: Leasing for a car and the real estate leasing
Real estate leasing are financials solutions that are proposed to the society. It consists for a company to rent commercial space. Unlike a lease with an owner (lease agreement), real estate leasing regards a length of several years or about ten of years, in certain case.
Car leasing is the most common funding, and is often proposed by a garage owner. With a car leasing the consumer sign a contract rent in a long-term. Even if the repayment amounts are relatively low there are several disadvantage: the vehicle don’t belong to you and the long-term rent contract often includes provisions restrictive in terms of mileage, insurance, etc..
Although the term long-term-credi is usually a leasing. The personal loan can be likened to a long-term credit. In case of credit the< goods> loan is an amount of money. However, instead of leasing, the consumer don’t pay for the depreciation of the goods, but pay entirely for a loan.
The cost of interest be they a leasing or a credit, depends on two factors:
If you wish to fund a goods like for example a car the credit is often a better solution. To obtain a loan the best way is to ask a credit broker. We recommend you to appeal in a professional one. Multicredit is a loan agency who has been on the market for more than ten years, it could help you to have a credit under the best condition possible. Indeed, this agency will negotiate your interest rate in order to minimize the cost your loan. Don’t hesitate to ask for an offer, it’s free and without commitment on your part.
If you want more information, you can simply use this contact form. All the team of infocredit won’t miss to contact you.