Based on the last statistics from the VSKF* in 2011, 8.8% from the active populations had a credit during his life! In other words one person over 10 has a credit ongoing in Switzerland.
In Switzerland asking for a credit doesn’t need justification whatsoever. A person who makes a credit can use the amount as he pleases. But usually we estimate that the majority of credit in Switzerland are used to finance the following items:
One of the main reason to the bad reputation of credit in Switzerland is the problem of the indebtedness. In Switzerland, the law prohibits the granting of a loan if it causes indebtedness of the consumer to a person an indebtedness. That’s why 33% of the credits in Switzerland are refused. In case of indebtedness problem it exists some support in case of debt in Switzerland
If you are interested to ask a credit in Switzerland, it is quite possible to have a free offer without commitment, by choosing the good partner. Don’t hesitate to contact Multicredit to make a request.
*According to the Swiss Bankers Association of Credit and Financing institutions, VSKF (