It is possible to get a quick loan, at least to some point. There are two major steps to get a loan: the offer, which can be quite fast, and the payment, which needs more time.
First, you need to contact a loan dealer: a bank, a credit agency, or a loan broker. In order to get an offer, you need to:
The delay to get an offer varies according to your situation, to the time necessary to get all the documents together, but also depends on the efficiency of the financial institution. Thus, asking a good loan agency can speed up the process. All in all, you should wait a minimum of 2 – 3 days to receive a decision.
If the request is accepted, you will receive the contract to sign. Since 2016, the Swiss laws requires to wait 14 days before the money can be given.
There are some tips to speed up the loan process and get your money faster:
Multicredit is a loan agency specialized in credit for nearly 20 years. Do not hesitate to ask for a free quote!