A credit history is a financial profile. It lets lenders know how you have managed money in the past and let them decide whether to do financial buisness with you or not. The credit history will tell:
The Zek company is in charge of recording all the informations regarding all the credits activities of the private people in Switzerland. While you are requesting a loan towards a credit agency or a bank the first thing the company will do is to check about you and see if you are solvable to be lent money or not. Here are some ZEK entries as example:
There are many different reasons you may have a bad credit history which can make difficult for you to borrow money when you need to. There are simple things you can do to keep your credit clean:
If you have some financial problem and you want to clear your credit history, the best way is still to call on a specialist. He could provide you some useful advice for free and help you to improve your credit scoring towards the ZEK.