A car loan is simply a personal loan used to buy a car. Knowing that the minimum amount for a credit is 2,000 Chf, and the maximum amount is 250,000 in Switzerland, it means that a car credit could be used either to buy a new car or a used car. The reimbursement duration of a car loan is up to the borrower: the banks will allow a reimbursement over 1 to 6 years.
If leasing is more known than car loan, each of one has some advantages:
People don’t usually know it, but is it always possible to compare offers! How? Simply request a car loan with our partner: this is free and doesn’t commit you to anything. Feel free to apply for a car loan and compare our partner’s offer with a leasing. This way, you will be able to choose the most interesting solutions! How to apply? Check CreditLoan’s page regarding how to buy a car in Switzerland!