Whatever the loan agencies towards which you are applying, everyone works generally with the main banks of credit in Switzerland and are subjected to the same conditions. In case of a small credit the minimal amount of a loan is generally from 2,000 Chf. Underneath, the banks will refuse to discuss the matter. The minimal length of the reimbursement, during a contract for a small credit is from 12 months.
Are you searching for a small credit for an amount lower than 2,000Chf , or a length of reimbursement lower than 12 months? What to do? In fact, the solution for a small credit is very easy: you must simply ask for a loan from 2,000 or 3,000Chf (in other words an amount more important than you need) on 12 months then:
So if you need only a small credit of 1,000 Chf on 12 months, don’t hesitate to ask for a loan of 3,000Chf. Once this one granted, reimburse 2,000Chf the first month to the bank. Indeed, the banks will accept the early repayment and will refund you the difference of interests at the end of the contract.
Would you like some information on the subject, or do you need some advices? Don’t hesitate to request a small credit for free towards our partner Multicredit