For a bank loan, the minimum amount you can borrow is generally 3,000 CHF. However, if you need a lower amount, it is also possible to borrow 3,000 CHF, and make an anticipated reimbursement after 1 month. For example, if you need only 1,500 CHF:
With the new interest rate of july 2016, a small loan comes generally with a really reasonable price. Indeed:
Example: for a 3,000 CHF loan over 12 months with a 7.9% interest rate, the total interest will be 125 CHF only. Thus, you reimburse a total of 3,125 CHF.
Even if the involved sums are lower for a small loan, it is always interesting to adress a credit agency in order to get better conditions. For example, Creditloan offers the possibility to ask online for any amount, with lower interest rate and the possibility to make anticipated reimbursement. If you need an online quotation, do not hesitate to ask for help.